Cómo parte de nuestra misión, ponemos a disposición documentos técnico-científicos relacionados a hidrometría de libre acceso traducidos e interpretados al idioma español
Documentos técnicos (en español)
Aforo de caudales con perfiladores de corriente acústicos Doppler desde una embarcación en movimiento (versión en español)
Entidad: Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos
Fecha de publicación original: Diciembre 2013
Acceso al documento original: http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/tm3A22
Descargar aquí: https://tinyurl.com/adcpES
Publicaciones TEHLA (en español)
Szupiany R. N., Latosinski F., Lopez Weibel L., Dominguez Ruben L., Huespe J. (2021). Nuevas técnicas de medición de variables hidráulicas y sedimentológicas en el río Paraná. En: El río Paraná en su tramo medio. Contribución al conocimiento hidrológico, geomorfológico y sedimentológico. Capítulo 12, Tomo 3. Editores Paoli y Schreider. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. https://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar:8443/handle/11185/6278
Díaz Lozada, J.M; García, C.M.; Herrero, H.; Heredia Ligorria, A.I.; Lopez, F.; Castelló, E.; Y Brarda, J.P. (2016). Caracterización Experimental y Numérica de Eventos de Crecida Extraordinarios en la Cuenca del Río Carcarañá, Argentina. Aqua-LAC. Revista del Programa Hidrológico Internacional para América Latina y el Caribe. UNESCO. 8 (1) 10–20. ISSN 1688-2873
Díaz Lozada, J.M; García, C.M.; Herrero, H.; Romagnoli, M; Y Cossavella, A. (2015). Estimación del coeficiente de dispersión longitudinal en ríos de la región central de Argentina utilizando ADCP. RIBAGUA - Revista Iberoamericana del Agua. IARH. Vol. 02. Núm. 01. Enero 2015 - Junio 2015. 02:26-37. ISSN: 2386-3781. 6)
Patalano A., García C.M., Guilén N. F., García C., Díaz E., Rodriguez A., Ravelo A. (2014), Evaluación Experimental De La Técnica De Velocimetría Por Seguimiento De Partículas A Gran Escala Para La Determinación De Caudales En Ríos Serranos. Aqua-LAC. Revista del Programa Hidrológico Internacional para America Latina y el Caribe. UNESCO. 6 (1) 17–24. ISSN 1688-2873.
Documentos técnicos (en inglés)
Czuba, J.A. y Oberg, K.A. (2008). Validation of Exposure Time for Discharge Measurements made with Two Bottom–Tracking Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. En Actas del IEEE/OES/ CMTC Ninth Working Conference on Current Measurement Technology (pp. 245–249). http://hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/publications/CMTC08-finalpaper.pdf
Gray, J.R. y Gartner, J.W. (2010). Surrogate technologies for monitoring bed—load transport in rivers. En Poleto, C.; Charlesworth, S (Eds.). Sedimentology of Aqueous Systems (pp. 46–79). Wiley–Blackwell.
Mueller, D.S.; Abad, J.D.; García, C.M.; Gartner, J.W.; García, M.H. y Oberg, K.A. (2007). Errors in acoustic Doppler profiler velocity measurements caused by flow disturbance. J. Hydraul. Eng., 133(12), 1411–1420.
Mueller, D.S. y Wagner, C.R. (2009). Measuring discharge with acoustic Doppler current profilers from a moving boat. U.S. Geological Survey. Techniques and Methods 3A–22. http://pubs.water.usgs.gov/tm3a22
Mueller, D.S. y Oberg, K.A. (2011). Discussion of «Near–transducer errors in ADCP measurements: Experimental findings» by Marian Muste, Dongsu Kim, and Juan A. Gonzalez–Castro. J. Hydraul. Eng., 137(8), 863–866.
Oberg, K.A. y Mueller, D.S. (2007a). Validation of streamflow measurements made with acoustic Doppler current profilers. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 133(12), 1421–1432. http://hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/publications/14-Oberg-Mueller.pdf
Oberg, K.A. y Mueller, D.S. (2007b). Analysis of Exposure Time on Streamflow Measurements Made with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. En Actas de Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods 2007. http://hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/publicationsQmExposureTime- HMEM_rev4.pdf
Publicaciones TEHLA (en inglés)
Diaz Lozada, J. M., Garcia, C.M; Oberg K.: Over T.; Flores Nieto, F (2023). Improvements to estimate ADCP uncertainty sources for discharge measurements. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Volume 92, April 2023, 102311- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2023.102311
Abad, J. D., Mendoza, A., Arceo, K., Torres, Z., Valverde, H., Medina, G., ... & Berezowsky, M. (2022). Planform Dynamics and Cut-Off Processes in the Lower Ucayali River, Peruvian Amazon. Water, 14(19), 3059. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14193059
Patalano, A.; Heredia Ligorria, A. I.; Diaz Lozada, J.M.; Garcia, C.M (2022). Image-based migration velocity and dune length in clear water rivers. Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Volume 86, August 2022, 102174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2022.102174.
Latosinski, F., Amsler, M., Vionnet, C., Heredia Ligorria, A.I., Szupiany, R.N. Diaz Lozada, J.M., García, C.M., y García, M.H. (2022). The role of dunes in flow resistance in a large and a small river. The case of the Paraná and Tercero rivers, Argentina. Journal of Hydraulic Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2021.2001588.
Szupiany R. N., Latosinski F., Lopez Weibel L., Dominguez Ruben L., Huespe J. (2021). Nuevas técnicas de medición de variables hidráulicas y sedimentológicas en el río Paraná. En: El río Paraná en su tramo medio. Contribución al conocimiento hidrológico, geomorfológico y sedimentológico. Capítulo 12, Tomo 3. Editores Paoli y Schreider. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. (en edición).
Dominguez Ruben L., Naito K., Gutierrezd R., Szupiany R., Abad J. D. (2021). Meander Statistics Toolbox (MStaT): A toolbox for geometry characterization of bends in large meandering channels. SoftwareX, Volume 14, 100674, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2021.100674.
Díaz Lozada, J. M., García, C. M., Scacchi, G., & Oberg, K. A. (2021). Dynamic Selection of Exposure Time for Turbulent Flow Measurements. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147(10), 04021035. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001922. ISSN (print): 0733-9429 | ISSN (online): 1943- 79007
Ragessi I.M.; Leyria Rainieri G.; Ganancias F.; García C.M.; Di Buo M.; Balangero Bottazzi G. (2021). Combined use of LS-PIV and CFD for the characterization of turbulent flow in the contact chamber of ‘COSTA AZUL’ wastewater treatment plant, Carlos Paz. Journal of Hydroinformatics. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2021.024
Dominguez Ruben L.G., Szupiany R.N., Latosinski F.G., López Weibel C., Wood, M. and Boldt, J. (2020). Acoustic Sediment Estimation Toolbox (ASET): A software package for calibrating and processing ADCP data to compute suspended-sediment transport. Computers & Geosciences, 140, 104499, doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104499.
Szupiany R., C. Lopez Weibel, M. Guerrero, F. Latosinski, M. Wood, L. Dominguez Ruben and K. Oberg. (2019). Estimating sand concentrations using ADCP-based acoustic inversion in a large fluvial system characterized by bi-modal suspended-sediment distributions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Volume44, Issue6, pp 1295-1308. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4572.
Herrero, H., Díaz Lozada, J.M., García, C.M., Szupiany, R., Best, J. And Pagot, M. (2018). The influence of tributary flow density differences on the hydrodynamic behavior of a confluent meander bend and implications for flow mixing”. Journal Geomorphology. Editorial Elsevier. 304. 99-112. ISSN: 0169-555X. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.12.025.
Szupiany R., García M. and K. Oberg (2017). Acoustic Instruments for Mean Flow Characterization in Field Conditions: Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP), en Experimental Hydraulics: Methods, Instrumentation, Data Processing and Management, Taylor and Francis Group, Edits: M. Muste, J. Aberle, D. Admiraal, R. Ettema, M. H. Garcia, D. Lyn, V. Nikora, C. Rennie. Vol. 2, chapter 3.3., 906 p.
Latosinski F. G., Szupiany R. N., Guerrero M., Amsler M. L. and C. Vionnet (2017). The ADCP's bottom track capability for bedload prediction: Evidence on method reliability from sandy river applications. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 54, 124–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2017.01.005.
Guillén N.F., Patalano A., García C.M. (2017). Use of LSPIV in assessing urban flash flood vulnerability. Journal Natural Hazards. Editorial Springer. 87 (1). 383-394. DOI 10.1007/s11069-017- 2768-8. ISSN: 0921-030X (Print) 1573-0840 (Online)
Patalano A., García C.M., Rodríguez A. (2017), Rectification of Image Velocity Results (RIVeR): a simple and user-friendly toolbox for Large Scale water surface PIV and PTV., Journal Computers and Geosciences. Editorial: Elsevier. 109. 323-330. ISSN: 0098-3004.
Guerrero M, Rüther N., Szupiany R., Haun S. Baranya S. and F. Latosinski (2016). The Acoustic Properties of Suspended Sediment in Large Rivers: Consequences on ADCP Methods Applicability. Water, 2016, 8, 13; doi:10.3390/w8010013.
Le Coz J., Patalano A., Collins D., Guillén N.F., García C.M., Smart G.M., Bind J., Chiaverini A., Le Boursicaud R., Dramais G., Braud I. (2016). Crowd-Sourced Flood Hydrology: feedback from recent citizen science projects in Argentina, France and New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 766-777. ISSN: 0022-1694
De Dios, M., Bombardelli, F.A., García, C.M., Liscia, S.O., Lopardo, R.A., Parravicini, J.A. (2016). Experimental characterization of three-dimensional flow vortical structures in submerged hydraulic jumps. Aceptado para publicación. En prensa. Journal of Hydro-environment Research. Elsevier. ISSN: 1570-6443.
Latosinski F. G., Szupiany R. N., García C. M., Guerrero M. and M. L. Amsler (2014). Estimation of Concentration and Load of Suspended Bed Sediment in a Large River by Means of Acoustic Doppler Technology. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 140, Number 7. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000859.
Gil Montero,V.G., Romagnoli, M., Garcia, C.M., Cantero, M. Y Scacchi,G. (2014). Optimization of ADV sampling strategies using DNS of Turbulent flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR. 52 (6) 862-869. ISSN 0022-1686.
Guerrero M., Szupiany R.N., and Latosinski F. (2013), Multi-frequency acoustics for suspended sediment studies: an application in the Parana River. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 51, Issue 6, December, pages 696-707. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2013.849296.
Rodríguez, J. F., García C.M., García, M.H. (2013). “Three-dimensional flow in centered pool-riffle sequences”. Water Resources Research. AGU. 49 (1) 202–215. Online ISSN: 1944-7973.
Garcia C. M., Tarraba L., Oberg K., Szupiany R. and Cantero M. I. (2012), Variance of flow discharge estimates sampled using acoustic Doppler current profilers from moving platforms, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 138, 8, 684-694.
Guerrero M., N. Rüther and R. N. Szupiany (2012), Laboratory validation of ADCP techniques for suspended sediments investigation, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 23, 1. Doi:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2011.10.003.
Tarrab, L., Garcia, C.M., Cantero M. Y Oberg, K. (2012). Role of turbulence fluctuations on uncertainties of ADCP discharge measurements. Water Resources Research. AGU. VOL. 48, W06507, 12 PP., 2012. doi:10.1029/2011WR011185. ISSN 0043–1397 (Print). ISSN 1944–7973 (Online)
Romagnoli, M., Garcia, C.M., Y Lopardo, R. (2012). Post-processing Technique and Uncertainty Analysis of ADV's Turbulence Measurements on Free Hydraulic Jumps. J.Hydr. Engrg. ASCE. 138(4) 353-357. ISSN: 0733-9429.
Guerrero M., Szupiany R.N. and Amsler M. (2011), Comparison of acoustic backscattering techniques for suspended sediments investigation, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 22, 5, pp 392-401. Doi:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2011.06.003.
Romagnoli, M., Garcia, C.M., Y Lopardo, R. (2011). Discussion of "Energy Dissipation and Turbulence Production in Weak Hydraulic Jumps" by E. Mignot and R. Cienfuegos. J.Hydr. Engrg. ASCE. 137(8) 857-860. ISSN: 0733-9429
Jackson, P., García, C.M; Oberg, K., Johnson K., Y García, M. (2008) Density Currents in the Chicago River: Characterization, Effects on Water Quality, and Potential Sources. Science of the Total Environment. Elsevier Science. 401 (1-3), 130-143. ISSN: 0048-9697.
García C.M., Oberg K., And García M. (2007). ADCP Measurements of Gravity Currents in the Chicago River, Illinois. J.Hydr. Engrg. ASCE. 133(12) 1356-1366. ISSN: 0733-9429
Mueller D., Abad J., García C.M., Gartner J., García M., And Oberg K. (2007). Errors in acoustic Doppler profiler velocity measurements caused by flow disturbance. J.Hydr. Engrg. ASCE. 133(12) 1411-1420. ISSN: 0733-9429
García C.M., Cantero M., Niño Y., And García M. (2007).Closure to Discussion of ‘Turbulence Measurements with Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters J..Hydr. Engrg. ASCE. 133(11): 1289-1292, ISSN: 0733-9429.
Szupiany R.N., Amsler M.L, Best J.L. and Parson D.R. (2007), A Comparison of Fixed- and Moving-Vessel Measurements with an Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) in a Large River, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 133, 12, 1299-1310.
GARCIA.C.M, JACKSON P., and GARCÍA M. (2006). “Confidence intervals in the determination of turbulence parameters”. Experiment in Fluids. 40: 514 – 522. ISSN: 0723-4864 (Paper) 1432-1114 (Online).